For more than 70 years, Barron's experts have been helping students surpass their expectations on standarddized tests. This is the only book you will need to get the score you want on the IELTS.
Complete coverage and review of all IELTS question types: multiple choice, short answer, sentence completion, flowchart completion, graphs, tables, making, notes, summarizing, labeling diagrams and maps, classification, matching, and selecting from a list.
Provides all the Do's and Don'ts for talking the exam
Teaches skills to help boost your score on the Writing Tasks
Audio for all Listening material provided in MP3 format
Vocal segments feature Nort American, British, and Australian accents.
For more than 70 years, Barron's experts have been helping students surpass their expectations on standarddized tests. This is the only book you will need to get the score you want on the IELTS.
Complete coverage and review of all IELTS question types: multiple choice, short answer, sentence completion, flowchart completion, graphs, tables, making, notes, summarizing, labeling diagrams and maps, classification, matching, and selecting from a list.
Provides all the Do's and Don'ts for talking the exam
Teaches skills to help boost your score on the Writing Tasks
Audio for all Listening material provided in MP3 format
Vocal segments feature Nort American, British, and Australian accents.