An Austurian military engineer, Captain Ernset Krickl was a member of an Austrian Archaelogical axpedition to Lyckia in soutwest Anatoloia in 1892. rickl made important contributions to this stage of Lkyian research, drawing sketches of the monuments they encountered and plans of the ancient sites they visited, and taking photographs. 1872 Lykian Journal is Ernst Krickl's personal account of the expedition, illustrated with photographs. These treealbums are here published in facsimile and English traslations together with comtemporary commentary an the expedition as described by Krickl...
An Austurian military engineer, Captain Ernset Krickl was a member of an Austrian Archaelogical axpedition to Lyckia in soutwest Anatoloia in 1892. rickl made important contributions to this stage of Lkyian research, drawing sketches of the monuments they encountered and plans of the ancient sites they visited, and taking photographs. 1872 Lykian Journal is Ernst Krickl's personal account of the expedition, illustrated with photographs. These treealbums are here published in facsimile and English traslations together with comtemporary commentary an the expedition as described by Krickl...